picture ne aku amik masa dok tunggu yatt & faten..
at kitschen bts..dah cuba sedaya upaya tuk suka apa yg ada sini,but
at kitschen bts..dah cuba sedaya upaya tuk suka apa yg ada sini,but
tetap gak xbleh..am i too childish?^^
faten..jgn marah sebab aku amik pic ne seludup g blog aku ep.aku sukaa..hehe
serius aku sayang ngan diorang ne..hihik..
stalk punya stalk blog c toten..jumpa pulak this one..gedik gilaa ko myn. Abaikan la ep..mood tengah lapar neyh..hehe
memang pusing times square abes time ne.diorang nak cari barang yang paling cantik dengan harga yang berpatutan.the important part is my new sandal..hehe..dapat beli dengan separuh harga coz ada diskaun time tu. 50% babe..kemain lagi aku hepy nak amik dua tapi style satu lagi yang aku suka takda saiz,xpalah..ak beli satu cukuplah..yeah..dapat tu pun puas ati dah. xyah aku nak sakit-sakit kaki pakai sandal ladies pegi kelas macam sebelum ne.aku,yatt,toten and lily kuar ukm masa ne dekat kul3 coz diorg kena tunggu aku n toten abes kursus dulu. Seriously memang gigih sebab aku dah janji on time pas kursus terus gerak. takda postpone bagai.thank God xdalah lama sangat menjelajah timesquare,dekat sebelom midnite camtu kami baleklah.. hehe..ne masa d timesquare..pas bebrapa ari,disebabkan ada hal yang tak dapat nak elak,kami kuar jap pegi Kajang (cari bank jap..hehe)..masa tu just aku, yatt, toten and afiq.dah settle apa2 hal yang perlu..kami pon pegilah berdominos..weheww...
kaler tudong hampir sama..hehe
yatt : isy engkau ne fiQ..lambat sangatla.aku da lapar ne..
afiQ : jap la weyh..aku check dulu btul2..kang ada cicak kang..
'abesla diet and jogging aku hampir tiap hari..'
toten : aku nak ne..ketepi myn..(hikhik)
and..kadang-kadang..aku join diorang pegi jogging d stadium uKm tercinta..hehe...
aku guna selipar bukan sebab habit jogging dengan selipar,tp
jadi mak datin dok atas kerusi on9 sambil bagi semangat diorg suma jogging.
its really awesome when i almost owez spend time wif all of them.gelak tawa, everything about personal+nonpersonal things, study, life, future and many kind of it..doing activity together..also,when someone try to play toy on feelings of one of us,we'll come to 'attack' that person together till him/her ask for apologize..haha. kinda childish but its happen before and its real..its not easy to built a quiet tough relationship and now we are succeed. However,im really sure there still a lot we dont know about each other and unfortunately its convince enough. Still..its ok coz people owez sayin that we dont have to know everything about people we love, just follow the flow and stay away from the something that related to them which can hurt you a lot.
B E R S A M B U N G..
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