Monday, July 29, 2013

Shopping Is a Bad Disease..Urrgghh

Assalamualaikum.. Hai korang. Its been a while aku xupdate belog. Aku takda masa sangat nak update sebab busy dengan kerja-kerja yang banyak, klu nak online pown kena guna phone sebab memang takda masa nak hadap pc. Sebelum terlupa & terlambat sangat, aku nak wish Happy Fasting Month to every Muslim out there. Hope this time, it will full with Barakah. Aaminn.

     Actually aku update kali ne sebab nak luah dengan sapa-sapa tapi tak dapat. Huhu. Aku risau if aku bagitaw kat kawan-kawan rapat aku, kompom diorang marah. Kalau mak aku tau, lagilah aku kena. Sebab..ehm..ehm..for these whole week only, I’ve spent several hundreds for shoes and bags. Belum masuk lagi dari yang bulan-bulan lepas. My week was three days. Ari laen tak kira sebab I stayed at home. What should I do. Penyakit lama makin menjadi-jadi.

     Aku ingatkan aku dah pulih sepenuhnya tapi tak lagi sebenarnya. Lagi-lagi bila Zalora.Com dah ada. Memang teruk. Its all about shopping. Online  shopping, window shopping, door shopping, outdoor shopping, indoor shopping and what else.. Semua aku buat. Mana-mana store yang aku pegi area Tawau ne, xlengkap if aku xtinggalkan number phone then said to them ‘do contact me if you have a big sale’.

      Tak kiralah ada sale atau tak, aku tetap beli jugak senanya. I think maybe I should meet a doctor, or a councellor, make an appointment then they can start to give me a treatment or therapy to treat this big..big problem. I cant stop..I just cant stop. Last year was the perfect year ever. My big prob vanished like it never existed then now its coming back. What should I do. It is not about festive season, its about me. Aku takkan tenang selagi tak beli apa-apa barang dalam sehari dua. Macamana tu. Huhu. Its terrible you know!

     Im not a fashion victim, but I just a shop die hard fan. You were walking around at somewhere till you see a very big banner which is contained font that have a SALE word on it. Its really exciting padahal sale tu takdalah murah sangat. Then after that, you’re going home, check your email then you’ve found Zalora.Com send you a very interesting info which is told you if you shop for this whole week, you’ll get free shipping. Omaigad.. Thats what you want to read right.. Thats why people who just like me cant stop. Its not our fault, but the environment is. They make us start to wasting our time and money. Kan..haha. Kidding. Memang salah sendiri pown..

     Okay, semalam adik ipar aku datang umah and told me yang dea nak pegi amik tudung. Aku pun berminat nak tau dea order dari sapa and nak amik kat mana. Then she told me about some place then I decide to go there with her. Ari ne aku pegi. With my mom, my younger sister also. Kami pergi berempat. I just buy blouse and baju kurung last week (include purse coz it have a discount), then tiba-tiba aku beli baju lagi ari ne. Sampai ruma masa nak fitting baju baru aku sedar yang aku da banyak belanja. I count them all then I’ve got an impossible total. I cant believe it, what happened to me act. Am I stress or what. Its depressing.

     Tapi aku tak menyesal sedikit pown. Just heran dengan diri sendiri. So, I decide to join a theraphy class or whatever after this eid. I must solve my problem becoz im a big girl now. No matter what, I should be a perfect lady. Not a terrible lady. haha

Salah satu store yg selalu aku pegi

We're same.. VINCCI addicted..

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